Jung and the Landscape


“At times I feel as if I am spread out over the landscape and inside things, and am myself living in every tree, in the plashing of the waves, in the clouds and the animals that come and go, in the procession of the season.”

– C.G. Jung

workshop announcement/spring 2018

A Workshop of Writing, Creating and Presence


5 Sundays beginning May 5

An intuitive exploration of who we are and who we dream to be in the landscapes that hold us. Each meeting will offer the potential to reveal, surprise, allow entrance into both inner and outer placeworlds
teaching, dreaming, informing our wildness as women, sisters, collaborators

“We think that we imagine the land, but perhaps the land imagines us, and in its imaginings it shapes us. The exterior landscape interacts with our interior landscape, and in the resulting entanglements, we become something more than we could ever hope to be”
SHARON BLACKIE, from The Enchanted Life

workshop fee  $75





following what calls

DSCF7768_Fotoryesterday afternoon on my walk home i stopped to visit a neighboring willow. I remembered reading that willow trees communicate with other willows in the surrounding landscape. trees send signals to each other communicating distress and dare i say love….depending on how you package the ungraspable. studies have been done concerning the language of trees and how messages are actually sent.
I wasnt there to unlock their secrets.
I gathered some of the longer branches, tied them loosely into a bundle and brought them home to dry. next step soaking and if my memory serves me…to weave a simple basket

I Invite You


Into The Fire: Embracing Wholeness as Home

Approaching Winter
December 3, 2017 2:30 – 5:30 pm

Writing and ceremony are perfect companions on our journey in life. Together they can make that journey—whether the journey is only one footstep or a lifetime of footsteps—one filled with wonder and gratitude. Creating ceremony gets us in touch with our bodies, minds, spirit, our relationship to the world around us. We learn to bear witness….to heal and recognize our wholeness. The practice of ceremony can help us as writers to focus and find new openings, new meanings, new ways of relating in the world. The workshop is meant to bring light as we look deeply with curiosity and compassion.

We will be working with the element fire

“Everything comes to us that belongs to us if we create the capacity to receive it” Rabindranath Tagore